"Israel & Palestine"

Before and during the World War II, six millions of Jews were killed by Nazi Germany including women and children. At that time, nowhere to run away for protect their lives for many Jews, therefore they realized that they had to have somewhere to live peacefully on earth. Therefore, many Jews moved in to live in Middle East from other countries. Israel and Palestine crises are quite controversial and it has been a long time since declaration of
Israel Independent since 1948. I think these crises are world longest and millions of people have been killed. Moreover, many terrorist groups were born from these crises.  In this case those terrorist groups are targeting to attack on the U.S. because U.S. government has supported Israel for many years such as finance and technologies. 
After I read the article “What Israel means to me”, written by Judea Pearl, I realize how Jews were feel about their Holy Land. However, there are not only for Jews’ Holy Land but also for other major religions which are Islam and Christian. In the article, author describes how he feels about his young life the all the kids including Arabs kids played together.  In the article he states “We often played with Arab children our age, riding donkeys in the citrus groves and playing soccer in vast empty lots, though language was a barrier.” Furthermore, Israel and Arabs lived next to each other. It was peaceful. Yes I agree with him because everyone has been facing violent crimes every day in his or her daily life, he or she will miss peaceful life once they had.
In the article “The hope of a victimized people”, by author George E. Bisharat states that, "There is only pain ahead for everyone on this path of confrontation and violence. We must find a way back from the brink and guide Israel back with us.” I total agree with him because now, Israel and Arab are hateful and violent each other. Hatred cannot solve the problems. Hatred can only produce violence and lose of people’s lives. As same as confrontation is no way to solve problem and it can be long the problem forever. Not only confrontation between Israel and Palestine but also between American and Iran is leading to be violent and loss of lives. The consequences will be affected on innocent people. 
Senator Orrin Hatch was criticizing on the President Obama that he said “Israel should back of 1967 boundary.” However Senator Hatch said, “President has backed off from his original statement but not as well as I’d like to see him back of, get with it stand with American policy, don’t play around with this much work…” I disagree with senator Hatch because the U.S. government has stood for Israel strongly for over 60 years and spent billions of money, but never solve the problem between Israel and Arabs particularly Palestine. The reason is they hate each other and confront each other, as a result the problem still exit over many years, and produce more and more violence.
I think U.S. is time to reconsider for its old policy that not only help to the Israel, but also help to the Palestine. Then, urge to both sit together to talk for peace.  I think it is the new way of reducing violence, loss of lives, and promoting peace among them.