"Reflection "

As for an international student, safety is particularly important for me because I am alone here without my family, so I need to take care of myself. In this situation, I may encounter many uncertainties during my study here in USA, one of which is my health. International students need to buy insurance every semester. From the first day I had entered this school, I have not yet benefit from my health insurance. However, one of my friends gained great benefit from his insurance. He was sent to emergency room last year and stayed in hospital for three days. After he discharged from
hospital, a bill was mailed to him showing more than two thousand dollars. Indeed, he was freaking out because that was a large sum of money for an international student. However, after he contacted his insurance company, the company covered most of the bill and he was only charged about two hundred dollars, which was a relief for him. When he told me his story, I also released my burden because I knew that I would not have to pay full amount of money if I had an emergency. I believe this is beneficial for all international students because we have to pay a lot on our tuition fees and we really do not want to put to many pressures on our parents.
            The film Sicko did not present both advantages and disadvantages of American health care. Instead, it showed mostly negative parts of health system in the United States and positive aspects of other countries, such as France. It actually revealed big differences between USA and some countries; however, I do see many people who benefits from US healthcare system. For example, one of my friends has two brothers with disability, and their mother does not have a job; however, the mother receives subsidies from government to supports her family. The movie only concentrated the shortage of health system.
            The key point of Obamacare is to make insurance affordable to every households (certain people are not covered), which draws my attention. It is not easy to put this into effect because the US needs budgets in many other aspects of the country to strengthen its power among the world. Besides, covering pre-existing diseases in the system is also a big movement, which reduces concerns from citizens about their lives. A problem is that Obamacare may take more than 10 years to make it successful, which requires large amount of financial inputs. What if financial crisis hits America or even the whole world again? What if depression cycles? USA needs a very strong and stable operation under the circumstances of emergency.
            The constitutional issue of Obamacare is that citizens are mandated to purchase insurance. In this situation, citizens lose the right to choose; furthermore, the mandatory requirement of purchasing insurance can lead to a situation where more requirements are coming up for citizens. The power of government grows bigger; consequently, no one could gain real freedom in USA.

Response 1:
            Sorry to hear what you suffered from your fathers illness.
            For the words you said that healthcare system in other countries were great, I believe they have shortages which were not showed in the film because Sicko mainly wanted to display a negative aspect of healthcare system in the US. This film matters to me because I did not pay any attention the healthcare in USA, but now I get a chance to know how health care system runs here. Besides, I think your concerns about the lack of doctors is excellent; as a matter of fact, I believe more people going to clinic and hospital is an advantageous thing because hospital will hire more doctors, nurses and other related employees, which is a way to increase employment rate in this country. Doctors are high-paid job, so being a doctor in a hospital or a clinic can improve his/her living standard because he/she is earning more money. Anyway, I believe the goal of Obamacare is to improve citizens’ life, which is highly praiseful.

For reference....