"Legalization of Drug"

The legalization of drug is quite controversial issue in the U.S. in recent years. I have heard a lot about it every TV news and internet news. It is so much popular in every state. In the U.S. twenty three states and the District of Columbia currently have laws legalizing marijuana in some form. However, among those states, four states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for recreational use, and the rest are legalizing marijuana in some kind of way such as some are legalizing marijuana to use for medical purpose.
After I read the article by Norm Stamper, I disagree with his article that supporting to legalize the drug in U.S. In his article he states, “Want to cut back on prison overcrowding and save a bundle on the construction of new facilities? Open the doors, let the nonviolent drug offenders go. The huge increases in federal and state prison populations during the 1980s and '90s (from 139 per 100,000 residents in 1980 to 482 per 100,000 in 2003) were mainly for drug convictions. In 1980, 580,900 Americans were arrested on drug charges….” I don’t think that’s the right way to legalize the drug.  Every drug is addictive once or twice you use it. If you look at the people who use cocaine or heroin, they probably started from smoking cigarette then they are not able to stop smoking, and they want stronger drug such as marijuana, and then they try to use cocaine. Finally, they look for to use heroin because they want more something stronger than they are using currently, and then their lives will be end up. Most of those people are never started from heroin directly and they started from like, and then mild, finally they use strong. Once they use cocaine or heroin, they can do whatever they need to do to get those cocaine or heroin because if they can’t get those cocaine or heroin, they will be in the hell. Therefore, to get those cocaine or heroin, they can do whatever such as killing their parent, steeling or rub whatever. Consequently, it will be increase cry rates and people can’t be safe to live in the U.S.
After I read the article by Robert L. Maginnis, I strongly agree with him because his article is strong argument for not to legalize the drug.  He has proved many arguments in his article he states, “Nevertheless, a given dose of cocaine or crack is far more dangerous than a drink of alcohol. Alcohol has an addiction rate of 10 percent, whereas cocaine has an addiction rate as high as 75 percent.[13]” and “A study in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that marijuana smoke is often contaminated by the fungus, Aspergillus.[17] Another study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that cases of allergic sinus infection with the same fungus came from recreational use of contaminated marijuana.[18]” Moreover, he states in his article, “Former Surgeon General Elders told a National Press Club luncheon, "Sixty percent of violent crimes are drug- or alcohol-related.... Many times they're robbing, stealing and all of these things to get money to buy drugs....” Therefore, I totally agree with him that not to legalize the drug in the U.S. and if legalize the drug, people will not be safe to live here in the U.S.
According to the 21st Amendment, that leaves those decisions such as any intoxicating liquors transportation or importation into any state is up to states. Therefore majority of people who live in those states can make the decision what they want to.